the space between us, 2024
dimensions variable (materials, 36” x 2” x 6”)
steel, sound, space
hidden marsh, 2021/24
21.5” x 65” x 17” (variable; excludes gallery dimensions)
duration ad libitum
bone conductors, glass, electronics, sound
breathing room, 2022
five works of varying dimensions
mixed media
the perfect resiliency (detail)
portrait (bell buoy 38, rye beach, ny) (detail)
untitled (cord-cutter) (installation view)
untitled (on again, off again) (detail)
study, 2021
51” x 48” x 6” (variable)
steel, silicone, rubber, acrylic, tie wire, clamps, bone conductors, electronics, white noise
placeling, 2021
108” x 84” x 84”
Mixed hardwoods, poplar, beeswax, gouache, stone, rubber, felt, silicone, wax paper, ink, acrylic, spackling compound, waxed cord, sound