the space between us, 2024
dimensions variable (materials, 36” x 2” x 6”)
steel, sound, space

deconstructed wave, 2018/24
duration ad infinitum

composed 2018 for 17 percussionists
spatialized 2024 for an idiosyncratic array of 13 loudspeakers


hidden marsh, 2021/24
21.5” x 65” x 17” (variable; excludes gallery dimensions)
duration ad libitum
bone conductors, glass, electronics, sound

13 moons (for julia), 2024
300 minutes
sound, electronics

umbilicus, 2022
for moda critical review, vol. iv, “draft”

breathing room, 2022
five works of varying dimensions
mixed media

the perfect resiliency
portrait (bell buoy 38, rye beach, ny) (detail)
untitled (cord-cutter) (installation view)
untitled (on again, off again) (detail)

untitled (viscera), 2022
168” x 208” x 112” (variable)
birch, flax, linen, cyanoacrylate, methylcellulose, sound

study, 2021
74” x 43” x 47”
milled birch, cotton, beeswax


study, 2021
51” x 48” x 6” (variable)
steel, silicone, rubber, acrylic, tie wire, clamps, bone conductors, electronics, white noise

placeling, 2021
108” x 84” x 84”
Mixed hardwoods, poplar, beeswax, gouache, stone, rubber, felt, silicone, wax paper, ink, acrylic, spackling compound, waxed cord, sound

sunpath, 2020/21
public installation, campus arcades, suny purchase
electronics, solar position data (azimuth, altitude), sound
duration ad infinitum

2020 suny purchase president’s award for public art
2021 columbia university dean’s project grant
